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Photo Shoots


I had a photoshoot, experimenting with my fine art close up portraits.
The shoot went well and I feel I produced some abstract images that live up to my fine art brief.
The images will be uploaded tomorrow after I have edited them.
I am also going to experiment with editing my photos to give a 'double exposure' feel to them, similar to Man Rays images.

These are the images taken in my first shoot of my fine art portraits. They are unedited, so when I have finished tweaking and got my finals I will upload them. But for now, consider them as unfinished.

The images above where shot with two standard head reflectors on the background to create a burnt out background, and one large softbox from the right hand side angled towards the model to create shadows. I think the shadows help create depth to the image.


The black background images, where all shot with the same lighting setup. I asked my model to sit or lay on the floor with the black backdrop behind or underneath them. I then put a large softbox from above to create an even light on the model, however angled my camera in positions where slight shadows were cast to create shapes, depth and texture.
I am happy with the shots I have taken, but still unsure about whether to have my images black and white or colour.
I think the images with the black background hold more of a abstract, fine art feel.


I had another photo shoot today, I used the same style lighting and approach as my previous photo shoot.